Engagement | Max & Krystin
Oct 4, 2017
I grew up with Krystin in the Maryvale School District. We've been facebook friends forever and if you guys are anything like me, you were regularly hoping and waiting for Max to propose for like the past year... Did anyone else hold their breath when her birthday came and went without a ring!? I was sure it was coming soon, and what do ya know... he proposed not long after that!
Facebook is a beautiful (and creepy) thing that allows us to feel like we know a person when in fact, we have never ever met them. Max and I go way back, in fact we met about 10 minutes before we started taking pictures! ;) Ha! So, I didn't know Max, but watching him interact with Krystin was so cute. He treats her well, and I don't doubt for one second that these two will be very happy together! They seem like the perfect match. Max and Krystin were exactly the couple I was waiting for! Adventurers! They hiked with me down into the creek, and braved the waters... scroll down to see the progression of photos to see how far they went in! gasp What a beautiful setting for this couple! One of my new favorite spots! You've got the wooded area leading down into the creek, and a variety of different looks in the creek itself. It gets dark quick down there, but if you're ever looking for a pretty easy hike with a beautiful destination, check out 18 Mile Creek Park. And if you are wearing a beautiful dress, invite me to tag along ;) Another young couple getting a head start on the fulfilling life marriage can bring! If you're ready, why wait? From one young couple to another, you guys are making a great decision! Marriage is awesome.