Class of 2021 | Ainsley
Aug 5, 2020
I can’t believe this beautiful girl is old enough to be graduating this upcoming year! I’ve known Ainsley and her family for quite a few years now. Get this… she’s graduating high school early this upcoming winter! She’s far too humble to say she’s smart, but obviously she has worked really hard to make graduating early a reality! Great job, Ainsley!
To brag on her some more… her after high school plans include a longterm missions trip over seas. Wow!
I’m so glad I was able to take Ainsley’s senior photos at Knox Farm! We had a great time!
Want to see more senior photos? Check out my senior portfolio here!
And here are some weddings that I love!
AJ & Brittany | Hotel Lafayette Wedding
Jordan & Melissa | Avanti Mansion Wedding
John & Christian | Deerfield Country Club Wedding
Ryan & Nicki | Templeton Landing Wedding
Hop on over to my website and say “hi!” Follow along on facebook or instagram!
Take a look at my travel calendar and let me know if you want photos anywhere!
Also, if you have a Disney trip planned, message me regardless of your dates, you bring me there and the photos are yours! Yay! (And I’m happy to set you up with some tips and advice before your trip if you’re looking for help with anything!)
Introduce yourself… I love making friends!